Here is Kerry's block from the Crazy quilting International Group I am in. The RR is a Beaded one. A new challange for me. I did two spots.
Here is one spot. I should have zoomed in a bit more . I am just figuring out how to do
stuff like that.
The flower is all beaded...Green beads for the leaves. And Pink for the flower
and the Bud. The Seam treatment is
Ok so my pictures are not the best. But I don't think the beaded part is too bad for my 1st time in a beaded RR. I know by the end of it I will have gotten lots of more ideas and be able to to more. ( Maybe even take better pictures!). I just recieved Lesa's block from Your favorite song Swap and I already know what I am going to do on it soooo soon I can try again with the pictures.
your work is great! Keep it up:)
I think it came out great as this is your first time beading.. In this group you will find some fascinating work by the girls! A very talented group! Good luck Becca! I will be thinking of you!
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